Follow Deer App was created with foresters, academics and nature lovers in mind. It will make an everyday work of a forester effortless. Its main purpose is to enable the user to quickly estimate the average animal population. The App’s clarity and simplicity makes it a very useful tool during field work.
Additionally, we offer a detailed analysis based on database application. It provides the client with the information on, among others, population structure of the game, direction of migration, analysis of the age and gender structure within the population or spatial distribution of valuable/rare/protected and invasive species.
The App allows for an easy, fast and comprehensive flow of information from the field. It also enables the user to save location of the animal, its sex, age and species in just a few easy steps.
The degree of detail of gathered data depends solely on the user’s involvement.
- Employees of State Forests
- Representatives of Polish Hunting Association
- Academics
- Nature Enthusiasts
- Collecting data necessary for annual hunting plan and long term breeding plans.
- Collecting more reliable and complex data annually and enhancing the general data.
- Monitoring of invasive species, e.g. american mink.
Creating a useful and credible spatial database of forest animals for the area of use.
- User-friendly
- Fast information flow allows for a fast reaction
- Better control of forest animal's population of valuable
- Ongoing monitoring.
- High accuracy of observation in difficult forest surrendings